Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Seattle To Portland, Black Diamond Olympic Triathlon

It's been a long time since I've posted, but I enjoyed training with the Seattle To Portland crew of Khamthong Beitlers, Marta Bakke, Chris Schultheiss, Gretchen Korb, Julie, Maria, and Daniel Gray. We had some great rides. I did 400 miles in June, and 500 miles in July, including the 206 July 17 and 18th for STP.

Then I, er, took a break! I hiked the Brothers in the Olympics with Doug and Joe for 16-17 miles. I had about 55 miles in August, including a 2 20 mile bike rides in OR on our vacation along a stream and around a lake.

In September it picked back up a little...Another short but steep hike of 4 miles with Steve, Pat, and Doug. Rode bike home from Puyallup Fair for 35 miles. Rode to work one day for about 15 miles.

9/26 I did the Black Diamond Olmpic Triathlon with virtually no running or swimming prep, and only the distant biking miles this summer.

At 182 pounds, I finished the 32 miles in 2:58:54, good for 106th place overall, and 12th in my division.

Swim: .93 mi 39:56 (175th place) was brutal and slow
T-1: 4:59 slow!
Bike: 1:19:59 (89th place)was pretty fast and fun (18.1 mph avg)
T-2: 3:00 slow!
Overall place after bike (124th)
Run: 51:00 (74th place) and 8:12 pace

It was a good event overall, but I was reeling a bit from lack of training, and from finding out about a staff member and niece who had been hurt and killed in an accident late the night before.