Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Marathon Training Plan Spring 2012

Join me--you'll love it. Healthy adrenaline is awesome! These workouts will work great for the 1/2 marathon too--just do shorter "long runs."

Track workouts (e.g. 8x400) mean 8 times 400m or 1 lap and I will do them at Franklin, Rainier Beach, or SPU depending on who would like to join me! These are on Tuesdays at 7am

Tempo runs are on Thursdays, mostly at 7am, normally at Seward Park unless otherwise arranged.

Long runs are on Saturdays mostly, with a few Sundays thrown in when there's a Saturday conflict. I'm open on routes except where noted. Join me--makes it way more fun!

21 7a 8x400
23 7a 3 miles
25 7a 10 miles
28 7a 4x1200
1 7a 5 miles
4 1p 12 miles (Sunday)
6 7a 8x400
8 7a 3 miles
10 7a 10 miles
13 7a 4x1200
15 7a 5 miles
17 6.5a12 miles Seward to Bellevue
20 7a 6x800
22 7a 7 miles
24 1p 13 miles (Cle Elum)
27 7a 3x1600
29 7a 3 miles
1 1p 10 miles (Sunday)
3 7a 10x400
5 7a 5 miles
7 7a 14 miles
10 7a 5x1200
12 7a 5 miles
14 7a 15 miles (YFC run for youth, greenlake?)
17 7a 7x800
19 7a 8 miles
22 1p 17 miles (Sunday)
24 7a 3x1600
26 6a 10 miles
28 7a 13 miles

1 7a 12x400
3 7a 3 miles
5 7a 18 miles
8 7a 8x800
10 7a 5 miles
12 6a 15 miles Seward to Bellevue
15 7a 4x1600
17 7a 8 miles (Canada)
19 6a 20 miles (Canada)
22 7a 12x400 (Florida)
24 7a 5 miles (Florida)
26 9a 15 miles (Florida)
29 7a 6x1200
31 7a 5 miles
3 1pm 20 miles (Lake WA) (SUNDAY)
5 7am 7x800
7 7am 4 miles
9 7am 15 miles (Lake WA)
12 7am 3x1600
14 7am 8 miles
16 6am 10 miles (Wenatchee)
19 7am 30 min easy
21 7am 20 min easy
23 7am Marathon

Overcoming Inertia

Moving slowly towards a running base for Rock N Roll Marathon in June. May try to do Seattle to Portland bikeride too...we'll see.

Feb 7 Ran 5 Seward with Saucy 10:00, 7:45, 8:00, 9:20 (uphill)

Feb 8 Ran 4.25 miles ran partway around Seward and back

Feb 9 Ab Assault DVD core workout--ouch!

Feb 10 Run 5 miles 3 w Joe thru Mt Baker and 400-300-200-100-100-200-300-400 ladder @ FHS w 100 in between

Feb 14 Run 8.5 miles ran w Saucy in the morning and down rainier a ways to catch lightrail

Feb 15 Bike 31 miles church to work, work to church, and work to meeting in Bellevue and back.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Starting Over Again

Back in action a bit, looking towards Rock N Roll Marathon in June.

Jan 3...waddled over to Martha Washington Park...189 # 29% body fat

Jan 9...walked to MWP w Julie

Jan 10...biked to renton 15 miles

Jan 23...walked 2 miles @ Warm Beach Camp

Jan 25...ran 2.5 to MWP and over to seward 191#

Jan 27...ran 2.5 with Joe and walked 5 for prayer walk

Jan 28...biked 5 to pick up car from prayer walk

Jan 31...ran Seward, 3x1600 8.35, 8.10, 8.42 miles w Saucy, saw raccoon on way home

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

first run bike swim day in a while

18 17 bike tougo to GHS to Sanctuary to KC Jail to UGM to RAC to Home
1 swim 40 min @ GHS w Brad Davis
5 run w Joe and 6x800 3.01 3.06 3.04 3.08 3.03 3.00 w 3.00 rest or less
15 5 run Beat the Bridge 6:50 pace 6:39 6:51 6:59 6:44 6:44 33.58 2 mi bike
13 3.7 mi loop w Doug Mercer Island
10 20 mi 8:20 7:44 8:16 8.26 8.10 8.31 8.17 9.17 8.20 8.46 8.29 8.08 8.38 8.17 8.29 8.26 8.25 10.27 12.48 12.49 9min mile avg 179#
6 5 mi 35:11 6:56 7:02 7:00 7:17 6:55 183#
2 12x400 1.29 1.24 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.27 1.29 1.29 1.28 1.27 1.28 1.24 avg 1.27 42:06
1 1.5 rode to church and back
29 13 mi ran slow w dog 2:08
27 9 mi 7.15 7.28 7.58 8.05 8.48 8.24 9.20 8.44 4.30 plus 20 min walk 177#
25 4x1600 6.28 6.37 6.45 6.36
24 2 mi frisbee 30 min plus short walk
22 5 mi 9.26 8.47 9:00 4:37 plus walk back...died
20 5 mi 8.10 7.28 7.50 9.38 10.29 (43.34) 181#
18 8x800 3.04 3.09 3.15 3.12 3.18 3.17 3.18 3.16

Sunday, April 17, 2011

1/2 Marathon

Had a good month of training with a pretty decent 1/2 marathon to show for it. Good to get back in the pool briefly...need to swim more. If the rain will ever break I'll ride more and get the family out.

4/16 14 miles 7.17, 7.32, 7.35, 7.35, 7.35, 7.45, 7.45, 8.00, 8.10, 8.10, 7.51, 7.51, 7.51, :38 13.1 miles 1:41:38 7:45 Pace Magnuson Park 182#

4/15 1.5 miles Bike
4/14 3 miles Bike 181.8#
4/13 8.5 miles 7:05, 7:11, 7:16 22.28 5K + 5bike 181.2#
4/12 181.6#
4/11 5.5 miles 12x400m 1.35, 1.25, 1.26, 1.26, 1.25, 1.27, 1.29, 1.28, 1.29, 1.29, 1.30, 1.30 41.16 total w rest, 1.5 mi bike to work
4/9 .5 mile 20 laps in pool, 25 minutes
4/8 .5 mile 20 laps in pool, 30 minutes
4/7 6 miles 3 on treadmill, 3 on stationary bike Enzian
4/5 17 miles 8:33, 8:10, 8:17, 8:08, 7:56, 8:00, 8:17, 8:47, 8:45, 8:25, 8:03, 9:09, 8:40, 8:50, 8:45, 9:09, 10:30 8:30 average 179.4#
4/4 1.5 miles Bike to work
4/1 180.8#
3/30 13.5 miles 8:16, 7:43, 8:15, 7:57, 7:46, 7:50, 8:01, 7:50, 7:46, 8:17, 7:55, 8:11, 10:13 180.6#
3/29 4 miles Bike to work, home, church, work, home
3/28 3.5 miles Bike to work, Tina's
3/27 5 miles 9:27, 9:07, 10:05, 36:58 183.2#
3/25 9 miles 8:54, 8:02, 8:25, 8:26, 8:27, 8:23, 8:31, 8:29, 9:49 183.4#
3/23 10 miles Rode bike
3/23 5.5 miles 8:58, 8:02, 8:19, 8:51, 10:11
3/21 3.5 miles 3x1600m 6.38, 6.59, 7.23 184#
3/19 3 miles Rode 3 miles
3/19 10.5 miles Ran with Ryan Seward, Lake Wa Blvd 1:34:27
3/18 1.5 miles Rode to work
3/17 8.5 miles Rode to Remo's, walked Seward Park loop
3/15 17 miles Ran to Mercer Island and back 186.8#
3/14 10.5 miles Rode to South Park and Back

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Running again

I'm about 7 or 8 weeks into a marathon training plan. The idea is to train hard 3 days a week with intervals, tempo runs, and long runs, and cross-train hard 2 days a week. I like the plan because I can fit it into my schedule. The cross-training isn't going so hot. The plan assumes that I had a base of running miles before starting the plan which isn't true. So I'm limping along. I ran 16 miles yesterday. I'm rather sore.

I'm battling weight. I was up to 193 in Dec and Jan. I was at 182 in September when I did the Triathlon in 2010, and I was 169 when I did my first half-ironman triathlon. No wonder running was easier!

I am down to 188 or so, which feels better, but I have a ways to go. I'm eating less meat and less dairy and more fruits and seems to be helping.

I'll be joining some friends for some long runs in the next month or two. I did St Paddy's Day Dash, 3.7 miles at just over 7 minute pace last Sunday. I'll be doing a 13.1 mile run/race in another month, hopefully at about 8 minute pace or faster. Then I hope to do the Capital City Marathon in May, but am holding it lightly. I may hold off and focus on a triathlon in September (1/2 Ironman again), and then try to do the Seattle marathon in November. It is quite fun to train towards a goal, and I feel like there is some traction in the training plan.

I did the Greenlake Gobble 5k in November with very little training and ran 22.38, about 7:20 pace.

I'll get there. I'm glad to be on the move again after a fairly sedentary fall. If I can drop down to the 170's I'll be pretty happy and a bit more fleet, I think.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Seattle To Portland, Black Diamond Olympic Triathlon

It's been a long time since I've posted, but I enjoyed training with the Seattle To Portland crew of Khamthong Beitlers, Marta Bakke, Chris Schultheiss, Gretchen Korb, Julie, Maria, and Daniel Gray. We had some great rides. I did 400 miles in June, and 500 miles in July, including the 206 July 17 and 18th for STP.

Then I, er, took a break! I hiked the Brothers in the Olympics with Doug and Joe for 16-17 miles. I had about 55 miles in August, including a 2 20 mile bike rides in OR on our vacation along a stream and around a lake.

In September it picked back up a little...Another short but steep hike of 4 miles with Steve, Pat, and Doug. Rode bike home from Puyallup Fair for 35 miles. Rode to work one day for about 15 miles.

9/26 I did the Black Diamond Olmpic Triathlon with virtually no running or swimming prep, and only the distant biking miles this summer.

At 182 pounds, I finished the 32 miles in 2:58:54, good for 106th place overall, and 12th in my division.

Swim: .93 mi 39:56 (175th place) was brutal and slow
T-1: 4:59 slow!
Bike: 1:19:59 (89th place)was pretty fast and fun (18.1 mph avg)
T-2: 3:00 slow!
Overall place after bike (124th)
Run: 51:00 (74th place) and 8:12 pace

It was a good event overall, but I was reeling a bit from lack of training, and from finding out about a staff member and niece who had been hurt and killed in an accident late the night before.