Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Overcoming Inertia

Moving slowly towards a running base for Rock N Roll Marathon in June. May try to do Seattle to Portland bikeride too...we'll see.

Feb 7 Ran 5 Seward with Saucy 10:00, 7:45, 8:00, 9:20 (uphill)

Feb 8 Ran 4.25 miles ran partway around Seward and back

Feb 9 Ab Assault DVD core workout--ouch!

Feb 10 Run 5 miles 3 w Joe thru Mt Baker and 400-300-200-100-100-200-300-400 ladder @ FHS w 100 in between

Feb 14 Run 8.5 miles ran w Saucy in the morning and down rainier a ways to catch lightrail

Feb 15 Bike 31 miles church to work, work to church, and work to meeting in Bellevue and back.

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