Saturday, May 29, 2010

Lapped, wet and happy

5/26/10 Ran 5k at Club NW All-comers meet in Shoreline WA Time: 21.15, Mile Splits 6.27, 6.57, 7.05, :45 Ran a very consistent race, skillfully drafting off the oldest guy there and then passing him with 800 to go. I got lapped by all of the other runners (about 10)including one young lady who was on her 3rd event of the night!

5/25/10 Ride Report Riders: Marta Bakke, Julie, Marvin, Daniel, Maria Gray Ride Time 1:55 Ride Distance 24 miles Ride Pace 14mph Ride Route S End of lake loop Wonderful ride, moderate temp. Steady rain last 10 flat rats, just drowned rats! And one flat squirrel. Best pace to date.

5/24/10 Rode bike to Seward and found Saucy, our dog, following me. Gave her quite a workout keeping up with the bike as I rode 5 miles, hopped off, and ran 2 miles. She did great but was tired. So was I.

5/22/10 Ride Report Riders: Chris Schultheiss, Marvin, Julie, Daniel, Maria Gray Ride Time 4 hours Ride Distance 30 miles Ride Pace 13mph Ride Route swift albro to duwamish to Alki and back Tough day as Maria's tire sidewall gave way and we blew up 2 tubes...she got picked up after 3 miles. Then Chris got a flat...we patched it and it didn't last. We borrowed a tube (high end) from a high end cyclist and promptly broke off the valve tip. We borrowed a second tube and were able to finish the ride. Julie wiped out at a quick turn that snuck up on us on the Duwamish trail. Donated some ankle blood and developed outstanding bruises.

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