Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Ride Report 5/4/10
Riders: Marta Bakke, Marvin, Julie, Maria, Daniel, Rachel, Melody Gray
Time: 6:30-8:45
Route: Cedar River Trail out and back from Gray home
Distance: 26 miles
Notes: Good pace, once we got on the road. Marvin put holes in 3 tubes trying to change Marta's flat tire before we left, then was disgusted with the Power Gel that burst in his bike pack, and with pedals that wouldn't come off a bike. Great fun on the tandem with Melody--ran over a branch and it got stuck in the brake.

Rode to work and back 2 miles.

5/3/10 Rode to work, then First Free Methodist Church and back, with a couple of games of basketball in the biking shoes and a meeting for good measure. 21 miles.

Ride report 5/1/10
Riders: Khamthong Phengphachanh, Marta Bakke, Gretchen Korb, Marvin, Julie, Maria, Daniel Gray
Time: 8:30-1:30pm
Distance: 46 miles
Route: Gray home up Burke Gilman around N end of Lake WA, Juanita Dr thru Juanita, Lake Wa Blvd thru Kirkland, 108th through Bellevue to I-90. Wonderful cloudy day. Lots of hills, lots of stops. Marta's 1st ride with clips, and she kept trying to put new cracks in the pavement, and almost put racing stripes on a black car that turned right in front of her. Marvin followed the car into the driveway and helped her understand WA state law regarding bicycles. Gretchen joined us at Matthews beach and rode the north end and I-90 downtown to catch the ferry to Bainbridge. Good times!

4/30/10 Rode to work and to FHS and home. 12 miles. Over 300 miles of exercise for April...new distance record for me :)

4/29/10 Rode to Admin and to church 3 miles.

4/28/10 Rode downtown for work, up to office, and home 15 miles.

Ride Report 4/27/10
Riders: Daniel, Melody, Marvin Gray
Ride Time: 6:15-9:00
Route: Mercer Island Loop and back from the Grays
Distance: 25 miles
Notes: Fun ride...Melody counted over 100 white fire hydrants around Mercer Island, and 24 sailboats on Lake WA.

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