Monday, March 8, 2010

Can't Count

Yes, 2/26 that was 10.5 miles, not 9.5.

3/4 I had a a fairly consistent evening run at Seward. 4 miles with half mile splits of 4.54, 4.24, 4.14, 4.07, 4.06, 4.13, 4.08, 4.04.

3/6 We all enjoyed a family bike ride with Julie this time up to a favorite park in the Central District on MLK Jr Way S, then thru the bike tunnel and along Seward park back home.

This morning 3/8 did 7x800 @ Rainier Beach Track. 3.07, 3.03, 3.10, 3.13, 3.25, 3.20, 3.20. I'm loosely following a marathon training plan but not sure I'll be doing a marathon this year...maybe Seattle in the fall. I'll probably do a 1/2 at some point.

Off to enjoy the lactic acid in my legs...

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