Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ate A Tanker

Ride Report 3/30/10
6 Riders: Julie, Maria, Daniel, Rachel, Melody, and Marvin Gray
Route: Rainier to Airport Way to Coulon
Distance: 17 miles
Braved 20 mph winds and light rain to visit the Coulon Ivars and enjoy a "Tanker" of clam chowder for an outrageous 7.99. Sure was good tho. Kids and Julie did great, though weren't very steady in the paceline during the spitting contest part of the ride, especially when it turned to trying to spit on each other. Good times.
Quote of the day "Daddy, this rain feels like nails [on my face]."
Rode to work and back as well. 13 miles.

Ride Report 3/29/10
Rode to SSI, MS, and home. 14 miles.

Ride Report 3/28/10
7 Riders: Marta Bakke, Ming, Victoria, Natalie Chan, Daniel, Maria, Marvin Gray
Route: Home to Othello to Seward to Willow and home
Distance: 6 miles
Inaugural STP training ride turned into quite an adventure. As we headed out, it started to rain and blow quite a bit. Stopped to use the Seward Park restroom and Ming was having lots of fun trying to dry out using the hand dryer! 1 lap did us in and we headed back. Daniel got in 2 laps, and Maria rode separately down to I-90 and back. Maria headed home ahead of us, and encoutered 2 dogs which started to nip at her. One of them actually bit her wrist and broke skin. No rabies so far!

Swam 22 laps at Enzian Inn pool which surprisingly is standard length. I didn't have my goggles, so I'm sure I swam an extra lap as I zigzaged back and forth down the length of the pool. Watched the NCAA game and did 20 hard minutes on the elliptical.

Hike report 3/26/10
Hikers: Paul Olver, Allison Coventry, Marvin Gray
Hiked about 6 miles up icicle ridge just West of Leavenworth. Beautiful view. Took a snowball back down to Julie for a snow massage but she declined.

3/24/10 rode to work and back
3/23/10 rode to work and back

Ride Report 3/20/10
2 Riders Daniel and Marvin Gray
Route: Lake Wa Blvd thru Arboretum to Burke Gilman cut across 155th to 175th to Shoreline FMC and back
Distance: 45 miles
Gorgeous day for a long ride. Thought there was a Bible Quiz to visit in Shoreline but we were mistooken, and settled for a teriyaki lunch instead. We worked on quote references as we rode.

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