Monday, April 5, 2010

White privilege and cycling by choice

Ride report: 4/3/2010
Riders: Ming Chan, Victoria Chan, Maria Gray, Daniel Gray, Marvin Gray, Khamthong Phengphachanh
Distance: 10, 15, 25, 30 miles
Route: Seward Park to I-90 to Renton
Notes: Wonderful ride in the crisp air with no rain! Ming and Victoria bravely went twice as far as last time, riding on the streets with mountain bikes. Khamthong had her 2nd ride of the season and gave all 10 speeds of her new old 10 speed a workout! Daniel, Maria, and Kham blew across I-90 and back, and Maria and I rode home with Kham to Skyway and back to our house. Good times!

I rode to work and a few appointments for 5 miles on Thursday.
I rode to work and back for 13 miles on Wednesday.

Thursday I was pulling away from the UGM Youth Reach Out Center as a few of the guys from Bumblebee Boxing (the boxing program we host)were leaving to go on a training run. "Have a good run" I encouraged. "Have a good ride," they said. "Absolutely. I haven't been in a car all week" I intoned, proud of the fact that I was cycling by choice, staying healthy, and being environmentally responsible. "I haven't been in a car my whole life," one of them responded. "I've been walking and taking the bus." that's a thought. It has given me pause ever since to think how many of my neighbors basically never drive or use a car, but walk and take the bus wherever they go. Of course they are being healthy and environmentally responsible too, but by necessity, not by choice.

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