Monday, April 12, 2010

Braking Hard

Ride report 4/10/10
Riders: Noah Bartholomew, Gretchen Korb-Nice, Marta Bakke, Rachel, Daniel, Melody, Maria, Julie, Marvin Gray, Khamthong Phengphachanh
Ride Time: 3:15
Route: S end of lake clockwise from our house
The wind was breaking hard on us as soon as we headed north on Lake WA blvd. Steady 20-30mph was what it felt like, and it was chilly! No rain tho, for which we were greatful. We regrouped a lot, and had our first loop ride and everyone did great, considering that we had to fight the wind all the way up past the Renton airport and up Rainier Ave as well. Noah beasted his first ride until he hit the brakes and skidded on a thin racing tire and wore through it and a tube near The Landing in Renton. His sister Leah bailed him out and gave him a lift.

4/11/10 Rode to church and back twice with Melody...3 miles.
4/9/10 Rode to work and back 12.5 miles


  1. Marvin,

    Saw you with your family today and thought you might be doing the Cedar River trail. I parked down by the Renton Airport and did the trail until it turned to gravel. Nice night. You are my inspiration. I am hoping to get my kids into biking when they get the right kind of bikes. How's the tandem? I have thought about that as a way to get Debbie involved.

    Mark Leonard

  2. Hi Mark. Tandem is fun, but Julie hasn't been on it with me yet. I think it is a good way for someone who isn't too comfortable or wouldn't want to go as fast to hang with the group. I have some bikes that might fit your kids if you'd like to give road biking a test run sometime. Blessings. Marvin
