Monday, April 26, 2010

Waterfront Glory

Ride Report Sunday 4/25/10
Riders: Khamthong Phengphachanh, Marvin Earl Gray, Maria Gray, Daniel Gray, Julie Gray, Marta Bakke
Route: Grays house up Chief Sealth trail down to Jackson to waterfront, Alki and back.
Distance: 33 miles
Time: 3:45
Average Pace: 11.5 mph
Wonderful Sunday afternoon cruise...rested by the statue of Liberty on Alki and had a good paceline on the way back when we were smart enough to get back on the street and off the path w the peds.

Friday 4/23/10 Ran 2 miles @ Seward 4:05, 3:48, 3:47, 3:37 = 15:17

Thursday 4/22/10 Rode bike 1 mile to return to my brother

Tuesday 4/20/10 Rode bike 15 miles from Hotel to Point Loma Nazarene College...wonderful campus on the Pacific Coast, students surfing on campus! 1:45 minutes.

Monday 4/19/10 Swam for 30 minutes in Hotel Pool. Rode 3 miles from hotel to hotel. Ran 2 miles on Treadmill.

Ride report: Saturday 4/17/10
Riders: Julie Gray, Marvin Earl Gray, Marc Gray
Distance: 24 miles
Time: 5 hours w lots of stops
Route: Downtown San Diego south then onto Silver Strand Spit to Coronado and back downtown on Ferry then to hotel.

Great street tour of San Diego with a stop at a wildlife reserve, beach and tourist area for ice cream, and a ferry ride. Thanks Marc for the tour. Sore butt on rental bike!

Ride report: Saturday 4/17/10
Riders: Maria, Daniel Gray
Distance: 34 miles
Route: South end of lake and back up to I-90 bridge and back

Kids go solo and enjoyed it!

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