Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Seattle To Portland, Black Diamond Olympic Triathlon

It's been a long time since I've posted, but I enjoyed training with the Seattle To Portland crew of Khamthong Beitlers, Marta Bakke, Chris Schultheiss, Gretchen Korb, Julie, Maria, and Daniel Gray. We had some great rides. I did 400 miles in June, and 500 miles in July, including the 206 July 17 and 18th for STP.

Then I, er, took a break! I hiked the Brothers in the Olympics with Doug and Joe for 16-17 miles. I had about 55 miles in August, including a 2 20 mile bike rides in OR on our vacation along a stream and around a lake.

In September it picked back up a little...Another short but steep hike of 4 miles with Steve, Pat, and Doug. Rode bike home from Puyallup Fair for 35 miles. Rode to work one day for about 15 miles.

9/26 I did the Black Diamond Olmpic Triathlon with virtually no running or swimming prep, and only the distant biking miles this summer.

At 182 pounds, I finished the 32 miles in 2:58:54, good for 106th place overall, and 12th in my division.

Swim: .93 mi 39:56 (175th place) was brutal and slow
T-1: 4:59 slow!
Bike: 1:19:59 (89th place)was pretty fast and fun (18.1 mph avg)
T-2: 3:00 slow!
Overall place after bike (124th)
Run: 51:00 (74th place) and 8:12 pace

It was a good event overall, but I was reeling a bit from lack of training, and from finding out about a staff member and niece who had been hurt and killed in an accident late the night before.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

3K, 10 miles

Run report 6/2/10
Another fun run in Shoreline at the Club NW all-comers meet. Did the 3000m or 3K with 1/4 mile splits of 1.28, 1.30, 1.36, 1.41,(6:15 mile) 1.46, 1.45, 1.41, :47.
Got lapped again by a number of runners, but got a good workout in. Got beat by the 60 year old I beat last week.

Ride report 6/1/10
Took Melody on Tandem and Maria also rode...Daniel had too much homework, Julie couldn't make another ride in the rain after last Saturday. The tandem started acting up, so we headed back after reaching Mercer Island. 10 miles.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Lapped, wet and happy

5/26/10 Ran 5k at Club NW All-comers meet in Shoreline WA Time: 21.15, Mile Splits 6.27, 6.57, 7.05, :45 Ran a very consistent race, skillfully drafting off the oldest guy there and then passing him with 800 to go. I got lapped by all of the other runners (about 10)including one young lady who was on her 3rd event of the night!

5/25/10 Ride Report Riders: Marta Bakke, Julie, Marvin, Daniel, Maria Gray Ride Time 1:55 Ride Distance 24 miles Ride Pace 14mph Ride Route S End of lake loop Wonderful ride, moderate temp. Steady rain last 10 miles...no flat rats, just drowned rats! And one flat squirrel. Best pace to date.

5/24/10 Rode bike to Seward and found Saucy, our dog, following me. Gave her quite a workout keeping up with the bike as I rode 5 miles, hopped off, and ran 2 miles. She did great but was tired. So was I.

5/22/10 Ride Report Riders: Chris Schultheiss, Marvin, Julie, Daniel, Maria Gray Ride Time 4 hours Ride Distance 30 miles Ride Pace 13mph Ride Route swift albro to duwamish to Alki and back Tough day as Maria's tire sidewall gave way and we blew up 2 tubes...she got picked up after 3 miles. Then Chris got a flat...we patched it and it didn't last. We borrowed a tube (high end) from a high end cyclist and promptly broke off the valve tip. We borrowed a second tube and were able to finish the ride. Julie wiped out at a quick turn that snuck up on us on the Duwamish trail. Donated some ankle blood and developed outstanding bruises.

Cold and Wet

Ride Report 5/29/10
Riders Khamthong Beitlers, Gretchen Korb, Marta Bakke, Chris Schultheiss, Marvin, Julie, Maria, Daniel Gray
Ride Time 5.5 hours
Ride Distance 60 miles
Pace 13 mph

Tough ride...sprinkling or raining most of the way, some wind, fairly cold. Mostly flat with a couple of short climbs, and one steep one where all but one of us walked our bikes (from W Lake Sammamish parkway up to I-90 on 38th). Still, good times. Very glad to get home and get in shower...bikes needed a shower too...tons of sand and dirt from road everywhere.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Fun Hills

Ride report May 18 2010
Riders: Marvin Maria Daniel Gray, Marta Bakke
Route: I-90 & Mercer Island loop from our house
Time: 2:05
Distance: 25 miles
Average Speed 13 mph

Great spin, great weather, bit windy. Marta loved her knew UW bike. Maria was tired from capture the flag at FHS. 1 flat rat sighted. Beautiful sundown over the city.

Ride to work 3miles

Monday, May 17, 2010

Wildlife & Road Kill

5/17/10 Rode to work and back 13.5miles
5/16/10 Hiked Rattlesnake ledge and back: 5 miles

5/15/10 Ride Report
Riders: Khamthong Phengphachanh, Marta Bakke, Gretchen Korb-Nice, Julie, Maria, Daniel, & Marvin Gray
Ride time: 5.5 hours
Ride Distance: 59 miles
Ride pace: 13mph
Route: I-90, then N on W Lk Sammamish to Marymoor Park, Rode 2 laps on Velodrome, continued S on E Lk Samammish thru Issaquah to Issaquah Hobart road and S to Cedar Grove Road and back home on Cedar River Trail and Rainier Ave.
Road kill: 3 flat rats, 1 possum, various gnats stuck in sunscreen, 1 racoon
Wildlife: 2 deer walking in Cedar River, 1 very blue jay, 1 soaring hawk, 1 Dan Bartholomew on his way to the dump

Great ride with some good pacelines. Several grumpy drivers. Flew home on Cedar River Trail...great to end on downhill.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sweet Loops

May 11 Ride Report
Riders: Julie, Maria, Daniel Gray
Route: Grays to Mercer Island Loop and back
Time: 6:15-8:30
Distance: 25 miles
Fast and enjoyable ride clockwise around Island. What fun!

May 8 Ride Report
Riders: Marta Bakke, Khamthong Phengphachanh, Marvin, Julie, Maria, Daniel Gray
Route: From Grays to Cedar River Trail then south to Flaming Geyser Park and west to Interurban trail and north back home.
Time: 7:30-1:30
Average Pace 12.5 mph
Distance: 63 miles

"Thanks for choosing this route Honey" Julie purred after we swooshed down a mile and a half descent into Flaming Geyser State Park along the Green River. We had a ball with great weather for a 63 mile ride, 18 miles farther than previously done.

I broke Julie's seat collar less than a mile from home so we went back and replaced it and caught up with the group. Marta did awesome with no falls I recall. We had some great pacelining happening as well. Sunny day with not too much wind.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Ride Report 5/4/10
Riders: Marta Bakke, Marvin, Julie, Maria, Daniel, Rachel, Melody Gray
Time: 6:30-8:45
Route: Cedar River Trail out and back from Gray home
Distance: 26 miles
Notes: Good pace, once we got on the road. Marvin put holes in 3 tubes trying to change Marta's flat tire before we left, then was disgusted with the Power Gel that burst in his bike pack, and with pedals that wouldn't come off a bike. Great fun on the tandem with Melody--ran over a branch and it got stuck in the brake.

Rode to work and back 2 miles.

5/3/10 Rode to work, then First Free Methodist Church and back, with a couple of games of basketball in the biking shoes and a meeting for good measure. 21 miles.

Ride report 5/1/10
Riders: Khamthong Phengphachanh, Marta Bakke, Gretchen Korb, Marvin, Julie, Maria, Daniel Gray
Time: 8:30-1:30pm
Distance: 46 miles
Route: Gray home up Burke Gilman around N end of Lake WA, Juanita Dr thru Juanita, Lake Wa Blvd thru Kirkland, 108th through Bellevue to I-90. Wonderful cloudy day. Lots of hills, lots of stops. Marta's 1st ride with clips, and she kept trying to put new cracks in the pavement, and almost put racing stripes on a black car that turned right in front of her. Marvin followed the car into the driveway and helped her understand WA state law regarding bicycles. Gretchen joined us at Matthews beach and rode the north end and I-90 downtown to catch the ferry to Bainbridge. Good times!

4/30/10 Rode to work and to FHS and home. 12 miles. Over 300 miles of exercise for April...new distance record for me :)

4/29/10 Rode to Admin and to church 3 miles.

4/28/10 Rode downtown for work, up to office, and home 15 miles.

Ride Report 4/27/10
Riders: Daniel, Melody, Marvin Gray
Ride Time: 6:15-9:00
Route: Mercer Island Loop and back from the Grays
Distance: 25 miles
Notes: Fun ride...Melody counted over 100 white fire hydrants around Mercer Island, and 24 sailboats on Lake WA.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Waterfront Glory

Ride Report Sunday 4/25/10
Riders: Khamthong Phengphachanh, Marvin Earl Gray, Maria Gray, Daniel Gray, Julie Gray, Marta Bakke
Route: Grays house up Chief Sealth trail down to Jackson to waterfront, Alki and back.
Distance: 33 miles
Time: 3:45
Average Pace: 11.5 mph
Wonderful Sunday afternoon cruise...rested by the statue of Liberty on Alki and had a good paceline on the way back when we were smart enough to get back on the street and off the path w the peds.

Friday 4/23/10 Ran 2 miles @ Seward 4:05, 3:48, 3:47, 3:37 = 15:17

Thursday 4/22/10 Rode bike 1 mile to return to my brother

Tuesday 4/20/10 Rode bike 15 miles from Hotel to Point Loma Nazarene College...wonderful campus on the Pacific Coast, students surfing on campus! 1:45 minutes.

Monday 4/19/10 Swam for 30 minutes in Hotel Pool. Rode 3 miles from hotel to hotel. Ran 2 miles on Treadmill.

Ride report: Saturday 4/17/10
Riders: Julie Gray, Marvin Earl Gray, Marc Gray
Distance: 24 miles
Time: 5 hours w lots of stops
Route: Downtown San Diego south then onto Silver Strand Spit to Coronado and back downtown on Ferry then to hotel.

Great street tour of San Diego with a stop at a wildlife reserve, beach and tourist area for ice cream, and a ferry ride. Thanks Marc for the tour. Sore butt on rental bike!

Ride report: Saturday 4/17/10
Riders: Maria, Daniel Gray
Distance: 34 miles
Route: South end of lake and back up to I-90 bridge and back

Kids go solo and enjoyed it!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Of Snakes and Rabbits

Ride Report 4/13/10
Riders: Paul Olver, Julie Gray, Khamthong Phengphachanh, Rachel Gray, Daniel Gray
Ride Time: 2 hours
Distance: 25 miles
Route: Rainier to Interurban out and back

We stopped a few times in the first few miles to retrieve a driver's license, take a phone call, adjust a seat, and regroup, but after that, we had a good pace of around 15 mph and cruised interurban and Rainier Ave. Rachel survived her first ride on the tandem with Dad, although space was a bit tighter than with Melody as stoker. Survival was key as they narrowly avoided a bike bunny head-on collision while on the interurban. A casualty included a snake that did not survive an earlier bike snake collision and was strung across the path. It is worth pointing out that there was some honking from the back of the paceline which helped those pulling stay encouraged. Big ups to Pastor Paul who made it through a fairly intense first ride of the season and took this great picture at the Renton Airport, and to Khamthong who survived 1 disintegrating tire and 1 exploding tire before we left the house.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Braking Hard

Ride report 4/10/10
Riders: Noah Bartholomew, Gretchen Korb-Nice, Marta Bakke, Rachel, Daniel, Melody, Maria, Julie, Marvin Gray, Khamthong Phengphachanh
Ride Time: 3:15
Route: S end of lake clockwise from our house
The wind was breaking hard on us as soon as we headed north on Lake WA blvd. Steady 20-30mph was what it felt like, and it was chilly! No rain tho, for which we were greatful. We regrouped a lot, and had our first loop ride and everyone did great, considering that we had to fight the wind all the way up past the Renton airport and up Rainier Ave as well. Noah beasted his first ride until he hit the brakes and skidded on a thin racing tire and wore through it and a tube near The Landing in Renton. His sister Leah bailed him out and gave him a lift.

4/11/10 Rode to church and back twice with Melody...3 miles.
4/9/10 Rode to work and back 12.5 miles

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Skinny Tires Are Good, When They Have Air

Ride Report 4/6/10
Riders: Marta Bakke, Rachel Gray, Khamthong Phengphachanh, Daniel Gray, Marvin Gray, Melody Gray
Route: Grays to Cedar River Trail out and back
Distance: 22 miles
Time: 6:30-8:50
Cool cloudy evening, but a very nice ride. Rachel and Marta tried a skinny-tired road bike for the first time, and enjoyed that a lot over the wider tired mountain and hybrid bikes which left them, well, tired. Kham found that her bike cruised much better with full tires, thanks to the graciousness of the AM/PM clerk at Rainier Ave S and Airport Way. When we had only a Visa Card and no cash, he hooked us up with 4 quarters anyway to fill her tires.

Good times

Monday, April 5, 2010

White privilege and cycling by choice

Ride report: 4/3/2010
Riders: Ming Chan, Victoria Chan, Maria Gray, Daniel Gray, Marvin Gray, Khamthong Phengphachanh
Distance: 10, 15, 25, 30 miles
Route: Seward Park to I-90 to Renton
Notes: Wonderful ride in the crisp air with no rain! Ming and Victoria bravely went twice as far as last time, riding on the streets with mountain bikes. Khamthong had her 2nd ride of the season and gave all 10 speeds of her new old 10 speed a workout! Daniel, Maria, and Kham blew across I-90 and back, and Maria and I rode home with Kham to Skyway and back to our house. Good times!

I rode to work and a few appointments for 5 miles on Thursday.
I rode to work and back for 13 miles on Wednesday.

Thursday I was pulling away from the UGM Youth Reach Out Center as a few of the guys from Bumblebee Boxing (the boxing program we host)were leaving to go on a training run. "Have a good run" I encouraged. "Have a good ride," they said. "Absolutely. I haven't been in a car all week" I intoned, proud of the fact that I was cycling by choice, staying healthy, and being environmentally responsible. "I haven't been in a car my whole life," one of them responded. "I've been walking and taking the bus." Huh....now that's a thought. It has given me pause ever since to think how many of my neighbors basically never drive or use a car, but walk and take the bus wherever they go. Of course they are being healthy and environmentally responsible too, but by necessity, not by choice.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ate A Tanker

Ride Report 3/30/10
6 Riders: Julie, Maria, Daniel, Rachel, Melody, and Marvin Gray
Route: Rainier to Airport Way to Coulon
Distance: 17 miles
Braved 20 mph winds and light rain to visit the Coulon Ivars and enjoy a "Tanker" of clam chowder for an outrageous 7.99. Sure was good tho. Kids and Julie did great, though weren't very steady in the paceline during the spitting contest part of the ride, especially when it turned to trying to spit on each other. Good times.
Quote of the day "Daddy, this rain feels like nails [on my face]."
Rode to work and back as well. 13 miles.

Ride Report 3/29/10
Rode to SSI, MS, and home. 14 miles.

Ride Report 3/28/10
7 Riders: Marta Bakke, Ming, Victoria, Natalie Chan, Daniel, Maria, Marvin Gray
Route: Home to Othello to Seward to Willow and home
Distance: 6 miles
Inaugural STP training ride turned into quite an adventure. As we headed out, it started to rain and blow quite a bit. Stopped to use the Seward Park restroom and Ming was having lots of fun trying to dry out using the hand dryer! 1 lap did us in and we headed back. Daniel got in 2 laps, and Maria rode separately down to I-90 and back. Maria headed home ahead of us, and encoutered 2 dogs which started to nip at her. One of them actually bit her wrist and broke skin. No rabies so far!

Swam 22 laps at Enzian Inn pool which surprisingly is standard length. I didn't have my goggles, so I'm sure I swam an extra lap as I zigzaged back and forth down the length of the pool. Watched the NCAA game and did 20 hard minutes on the elliptical.

Hike report 3/26/10
Hikers: Paul Olver, Allison Coventry, Marvin Gray
Hiked about 6 miles up icicle ridge just West of Leavenworth. Beautiful view. Took a snowball back down to Julie for a snow massage but she declined.

3/24/10 rode to work and back
3/23/10 rode to work and back

Ride Report 3/20/10
2 Riders Daniel and Marvin Gray
Route: Lake Wa Blvd thru Arboretum to Burke Gilman cut across 155th to 175th to Shoreline FMC and back
Distance: 45 miles
Gorgeous day for a long ride. Thought there was a Bible Quiz to visit in Shoreline but we were mistooken, and settled for a teriyaki lunch instead. We worked on quote references as we rode.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Seward, St Paddy and Lian's

Tuesday Billy Vo and I took a couple of 9 minute mile laps at Seward. It was beautiful.

Sunday Morning Jerem Anger and I went down to the St Paddy's Day Dash 3.7 mile run. We had a ball and still made it to church on time.

Mile 1: 6:40
Mile 2: 7:10
Mile 3: 7:40
.7: 5:39
Total time: 27:09

Last year: 26:47 Last year I ran a bit faster to get out of the snow!

Saturday our family enjoyed an 8 mile bike ride on the Chief Sealth Trail and Beacon Hill. Melody wanted to go see her friend Lian's old house so we cruised past the house where Dano and Jennifer Jukanovich used to live and then headed back in out of the minor squall of wind and rain.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Yesterday had a chance to get on the bike. After an appointment in Burien, I rode down the hill to Kent to preach at the Kent Regional Justice Center Jail, and then rode back up the hill to Burien. 21 miles of bliss.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Can't Count

Yes, 2/26 that was 10.5 miles, not 9.5.

3/4 I had a a fairly consistent evening run at Seward. 4 miles with half mile splits of 4.54, 4.24, 4.14, 4.07, 4.06, 4.13, 4.08, 4.04.

3/6 We all enjoyed a family bike ride with Julie this time up to a favorite park in the Central District on MLK Jr Way S, then thru the bike tunnel and along Seward park back home.

This morning 3/8 did 7x800 @ Rainier Beach Track. 3.07, 3.03, 3.10, 3.13, 3.25, 3.20, 3.20. I'm loosely following a marathon training plan but not sure I'll be doing a marathon this year...maybe Seattle in the fall. I'll probably do a 1/2 at some point.

Off to enjoy the lactic acid in my legs...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Run Tandem Run

Had a long run (9.5 mi)at Seward last Friday morning in the Mizuno's with approx 1/2 mile splits of:
5.43, 4.13, 4.15, 4.18, 4.18, 4.26, 4.38, 4.20, 4.17, 4.15, 4.22, 4.19, 4.03, 4.14, 4.23, 4.30, 4.35, 4.58, 5.32, 6.11, 7.53
Note to self: Lube up before long runs!

Sunday enjoyed the first family bike ride after 2 hours of bike prep! Rode about 14 miles around Seward Park, and up to I-90 and back. Daniel rode across the bridge since we were being so "pokey". Melody survived the first ride on our new 25-year old Santana Tandem Bicyle built for 2. It is a sweet ride. Maria enjoyed getting back out on her STP bike which hasn't been ridden much since she did STP 3 years ago). I modified Julie's hybrid for Rachel to ride and she did great! Julie had a meeting so she wasn't able to join us this time.

Tuesday night I ran on the Rainier Beach Track in the Brooks and did 4x1200 with splits of:
and a total time of 20.52
It was a good workout as I look towards St Paddy's Day Dash in a couple of weeks.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Pulled Muscle

Yesterday I rode my bike about 12 miles, downtown and back. It was wetter than anticipated :) Easy ride tho.

This morning I ran to Seward Park and around and back, about 5 miles. Approximate 1/2 mile splits:

You can tell which parts are all uphill! I was trying to do 7 minute pace, but quickly ran out of gas. I took Saucy, our terrier, and while trying to rein her in felt something give in my neck...I think I pulled a muscle! Some running injury!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Rainier Beach Track

Frosty morning but finally warmed up. Legs sore from Saturday's 25 miles.
Workout: 10x400m @ 1:31

1 mile warm-up 9:09
1/4 miles in 1:32, 1:27, 1:31, 1:33, 1:31, 1:30, 1:32, 1:31, 1:28, 1:27
Average: 1:30

Thanks God for sunshine and energy to enjoy it!